Inflicting Ink Tattoo

Friday, February 18, 2011

Laser Tattoo Removal at Inflicting Ink Tattoo

Laser tattoo removal works upon the ink, not the skin. The pigment in your tattoo ink absorbs the light from the laser, and much in the same way that dark colors absorb more sunlight, dark tattoo ink colors absorb more laser light as well. The laser pulse only lasts for a fraction of a second. During that time, the light passes through your skin, and targets the ink directly, disrupting it, and allowing it to flow freely into your body where it is naturally absorbed and broken down by your immune system.

The feeling of having a tattoo removed has been described alternately as close to the very same feeling as getting a tattoo, or a sharp stinging not unlike the snap from an elastic. The difference being that new laser tattoo removal technology allows the process to take less time. A topical anesthetic is often applied, and many treatment centers have a cooling system that makes the heat from the laser less noticeable.

Some of the factors that can influence the ways in which your particular tattoo reacts to laser removal treatments are the types of inks and colors of inks used, your skin tone, your immune system, and how deep the tattoo reaches into the layers of skin.


If you are looking for a RI Tattoo Studio that is clean, safe and sterile, visit Inflicting Ink Tattoo Studio in Portsmouth RI for the Best Tattoo in RI. And if you're looking for a way to have Us come to You, consider hiring our Win Traveling Tattoo Studio or hosting a Private Party with the Inflicting Ink Traveling Tattoo Truck.

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